wordpress 5.5, wordpress update, wordpress 5.5 update, wordress update 2020

Here’s a brief on the latest version of WordPress 5.5 is releasing on August 11, 2020.
WordPress originated in 2003, is one of the most popular and used content management systems for developing websites, blogs, etc on the Internet due to its free and open-source software properties.

Developed mainly in PHP language using MySQL database or MariaDB Database, WordPress inventory is full of predesigned themes and Plugins to begin developing your website with.

1. Set your theme and plugins to update automatically.

2. More designing features in WordPress’s default Website Builder – Gutenberg.

3. Improvement towards Lazy Load Image Formats.

4. No more plugins or root directory access required to manage XML Sitemaps

Do have a look at these amazing WordPress updates for providing better experiences.

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