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DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo, started in Sep 2008, is another internet search engine just like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu. The search engine claims to keep the user privacy as private thus being one of the most famous search engines in recent times with over 1.5 billion searches every month. The user privacy […]


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DRUPAL Drupal is a flexible content management software (CMS) used to make many of the websites ad applications you use every day. It is used by millions of people across the globe because of great standard features, reliable performance, easy content authoring as well as excellent security. The platform is […]


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Magento Magento, the most widely used CMS for eCommerce websites is an open-source software used by many eCommerce websites around the globe due to its excellent design and well-coded feature availability to setup any eCommerce platform easily. Specially designed for the eCommerce platform, Magento extends its functionality by providing easy […]


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WordPress WordPress is one of the most widely used Content Management System (CMS, launched in 2003, WordPress is a free and open-source CMS developed on PHP, JS, CSS & MySQL, or MariaDB Database. Due to numerous user-friendly features, predesigned plugins & themes, WordPress is preferred even by non-coders hence, powering […]

UGC Links

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UGC Links Last year on September 10, 2019, Google announced UGC for user-generated content means random people adding links to a website’s content. This announcement by Google has shaken the SEO industry. UGC is an acronym for “user-generated content”. The UGC links attribute looks something like this: Rel=”ugc” You can […]

Facebook Creator Studio

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Facebook Creator Studio Facebook Creator Studio is a multiple social media account management tools provided by Facebook itself. It makes easy for Digital Creators and other social media users to easily post on Facebook & Instagram simultaneously instead of posting individually on both the platforms. Not only this, Facebook creator […]

Cumulative Layout Shift

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Cummulative Layout Shift (CLS) Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a core web vitals metric, measures singnificance of unexpected layout shifts on a page. CLS is a web peformance metric that helps you understand the delightfulness of the user experience.  CLS is a relatvely new metric that measures or calculates the […]