How to Solve BreadCrumb Issue or Error: missing field item?

“2 items detected: Some are invalid

Invalid items are not eligible for Google Search’s rich results”

Unamed Item

type  Breadcrumb List

Are you facing BreadCrumb issue in your WordPress Website?

To check whether your website has url’s with BreadCrumb issue, here’s the link

Enter the website link in the above URL’s dialog box and check

What are Breadcrumbs?

Breadcrumbs for a website are basically, the page path that is shown of some websites, generally below the page title. This path shows us, the particular page route a user is currently viewing, generally from Home Page.

Eg. HomePage > Category > PageName

Ways to resolve missing field item – breadcrumbs issue

  1. Check whether you have recently updated your Website theme and that a breadcrumb option
    is available in your Theme Settings.
    a. Go to Website Backend > Dashboard
    b. Dashboard>Appearance>Customize>Theme Settings>BreadCrumbs
    c. Disable BreadCrumb setting and switch it on from Yoast, if you are using
    Yoast SEO plugin for your website
  1. Check whether Yoast SEO BreadCrumbs are enabled or not.
    a. Go to Yoast SEO Breadcrumb Settings – Yoast SEO > Search Appearance > Breadcrumbs > Toggle the ‘Breadcrumbs’ switch – Enable it

The main issue resides that somewhere breadcrumbs settings in the website are conflicting, i.e either from Website Theme or SEO Plugin like Yoast.
So, try to disable the theme’s breadcrumb settings and enable Yoast Seo breadcrumbs and check your result.