Aanha Digital SEO Blog

SEO Basics: What You Need to Know

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Navigating the world of Technical SEO might seem daunting, but understanding its basics can profoundly impact your website’s visibility and performance. Let’s dive into the essential aspects of technical search engine optimization techniques that every business should be aware of, especially if you’re looking to boost your SEO in Delhi […]


Effective Ways to Build Backlinks for SEO

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In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks remain a fundamental factor that significantly influences a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Building a strong backlink profile is crucial for driving organic traffic and establishing credibility in the digital realm. To bolster your website’s […]

Video Marketing: Tips for Engaging Your Audience

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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, video marketing has emerged as a powerhouse strategy for businesses to captivate and connect with their target audience. With the ever-increasing demand for dynamic content, it has become imperative for brands to leverage the potential of video marketing to leave a lasting impact on their […]

6 Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing

6 Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing

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Marketing is a method of promoting and advertising your business be it a service or a product to the audience in order to scale your business. A company’s marketing strategy can include offline (traditional marketing) or online (Digital Marketing) methods of marketing or both. Traditional Marketing is being practiced by […]

the need of digital marketing, what is digital marketing, digital marketing

The Need for Digital Marketing

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What exactly do you think is Digital Marketing? Well, here are a few Jargon/other names known for this field such as Internet Marketing, SEO, Internet Advertisements, Online Marketing, Google Ads, etc. Have you ever calculated how much average time do you spend in a day on Digital Devices such as […]

Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing Digital Marketing or Internet Marketing in simple terms is a marketing technique that promotes your business Online i.e. on the Internet through various platforms and resources provided by big giants like Google, Bing, etc. Digital Marketing is a combination of different strategies implemented on various online platforms to […]